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you are invited to
re:imagine sacred self-care
morning meditations at
CBF General Assembly 2024, Greensboro, NC
re:imagine: movement
and mindfulness
A gentle movement experience for all levels, ages, and abilities coupled with scripture-based mindfulness meditation.
Thursday, June 20, 8 – 9 a.m. Victoria Ballroom, Room 69A
re:imagine: sound
and stillness
A sound immersion meditation featuring the vibrational gifts of a skilled sound expert. Rest. Relax. Receive a symphony of serenity inspiring stillness and peaceful presence to carry you into your day.
Friday, June 21, 8 – 9 a.m. Victoria Ballroom, Room 69A

thanks to our sponsors!

What to bring to each meditation:
A yoga mat or cushion as we will be sitting on the floor throughout each meditation. Chairs will be available as needed. There is no cost for the morning meditations.
Bring a friend, a colleague, anyone you know who needs a moment of peace as together we...
re:imagine: sacred self-care
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